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    Return Policy

    Return Policy

    As we manufacture products in accordance with the consumer's instructions (customization), you cannot return your product with us. This is because we cannot resell the product because it is personalized.

    Does your product cover one of these points below?
    1. If you have recurred a product that you have not ordered;
    2. If you receive a product damaged and you've report this in 10 days time after recurrence it;
    3. If you have ordered a product from us based on incorrect product information on the website.

    Then, when photographic evidence is supplied, we will send a new correct copy free of charge without need of return the damaged/incorrect portrait.

    Since we produced products in accordance with consumer instructions (customization), you cannot return your product with us as standard. This is because we cannot sell your product again because this is personalized.

    Do you fall under one of these points below?
    1. if you have received a product that you have not ordered;
    2. if you get a product delivered defect and report this within the trial period;
    3. If you have ordered a product from us based on incorrect product information on the website.

    Then, upon delivery of photographic evidence, we will send a new, correct, copy free of charge


    We strive for the shortest possible delivery time!

    3500+ happy customers

    More than 3500 customers preceded you.


    With us you can always pay safely and afterwards.